popular比较级是more popular,最高级是the most popular。popular做形容词意思是,受欢迎的,受喜爱的,当红的;通俗的,流行的,大众化的,普通的,广为流传的;民众的;低廉的;得人心的;平易的。popular做名词意思是,大众音乐会;大众化报刊。
They know he's got the popular touch。他们知道他掌握受人欢迎的风格。
He was a popular and respected teacher。他是位受人欢迎和尊敬的老师。
Playing basketball is a popular movement。打篮球是家喻户晓的运动。
A universe where Woody Allen is more popular than Tim Allen。伍迪·艾伦比蒂姆·艾伦更受欢迎的宇宙。
How dare somebody become more famous and more popular than me?怎么会有人比我更出名,更受欢迎?
Newsgroups are one of the Internet's more popular features。新闻组是互联网上最受欢迎的功能之一。
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