a-c 交流;交变电流...
A-denopterin 4-氨基二甲叶酸...
A-face centered lattice A心点格...
A-ninopterin 锑银矿...
a-peltatin α-盾叶鬼臼素;α-足叶草脂素...
A-stage resin 甲阶树脂;甲阶酚醛树脂;可熔(可溶)酚醛...
A-type steel 甲类钢...
A.C. 交流;交变电流空气传导,交电流,交变电流...
A.C. arc welder 交流电焊机...
A.C. arc welding 交流电弧焊...
A.C.asynchronous motor 交流异步电动机...
a.peroxodisulfate 过二硫酸铵...
A/R/ 分析纯;二级纯...
aabomycin 阿博霉素...
AAS 先进管理系统原子吸收分光光度法...
abacin 复方新诺明片...
abalyn 阿巴林;松香酸甲酯...
abamectin 阿巴美丁...
abapical 离端的离尖的,尖以外的...
Abat 双硫磷...
abat-vent 通风帽...
abate vt.减少,减轻,减弱,废除,打折扣vi...
abatement n.减少,减轻,缓和,折扣,撤消,中止废...
Abati drying oven 阿巴提干燥箱;阿巴提干燥烘箱...
abaxial a.离开轴心的离轴的远轴的,离轴的,轴外...
Abbe condenser 阿贝聚光器...
Abbe invariant 阿贝不变量...
Abbe principle of image formation 阿贝成像原理...
Abbe refractometer 阿贝折射计阿贝氏折射计...
Abbe sine condition 阿贝正弦条件...
abbreviated analysis 简略分析...
abbreviated formula 缩写式...
abbreviated volute 简化蜗壳...
Abderhalden dryer 阿布德哈登干燥器;干燥枪...
Abegg rule 8-N规则;阿贝格规则...
acetannin 乙酰单宁乙酰鞣酸...
acetarsol 乙酰胂胺;滴维净乙酰胂胺,阿西塔肿(商品...
acetarsone 乙酰胂胺;滴维净...
acetate n.醋酸盐醋酸盐(或酯、根)乙酸盐,醋酸...
acetate base 醋酸盐磁基带醋酸纤维片基...
acetate butyrate rayon 乙酸·丁酸人造丝...
acetate dope 乙酸酯涂布漆;乙酸纤维酯涂布漆...
acetate dye 醋酯纤维染料...
acetate film 醋酯纤维薄膜...
acetate green 乙酸绿(在铬绿中掺入黄色乙酸铅)...
acetate of lime 醋石...
acetate process 醋酯纤维法...
acetate rayon 醋酸人造丝...
acetate silk 醋酸人造丝...
acetate staple fiber 醋酸短纤...
acetate-activating enzyme 乙酸激活酶...
acetazolamide 乙酰唑胺乙酰唑胺,醋唑磺胺(利尿剂)...
acetbromamide 溴乙酰胺...
acetbromanilide 乙酰溴苯胺溴乙酰苯胺...
acetenyl 乙炔基乙炔基...
acethydrazide 乙酰肼...
acethydroximic acid 乙羟肟酸...
acetiamine 乙酰硫胺...
acetic acid 乙酸;醋酸乙酸,醋酸...
acetic acid rubber 乙酸凝固橡胶...
acetic anhydride 乙酐;乙酸酐;氧化乙酰醋酸酐...
acetic ether 乙酸乙酯;醋酸乙酯乙酸乙酯...
acetic fermentation 醋酸发酵醋酸发酵...
acetic oxide 乙酐;乙酸酐;氧化乙酰...
acetic peracid 过乙酸;过醋酸...
acetic peroxide 乙酰化过氧;过氧化乙酰...
acetic thiokinase 乙酸硫激酶...
acetidin 乙酸乙酯...
acetification n.成醋作用,醋化作用醋化作用;成醋作用...
acetifier 醋化器...
acetimetry 乙酸定量;酸酸定量醋酸定量法...
acetimido- 乙酰亚氨基...
acetimidochloride 偕氯代乙亚胺;1-氯乙亚胺...
acetimidoquinone N-乙酰亚氨基醌...
acetimidoyl 亚氨代乙酰基;1-亚氨乙基...
acetin 乙酸甘油酯;醋酸甘油酯;醋精乙酸甘油酯...
acetnaphthalide 乙酰萘胺...
aceto-aldehyde ammonia 乙醛氨...
acetoacetanilide N-乙酰乙酰苯胺;N-丁间酮酰苯胺...
acetoacetate decarboxylase 乙酰乙酸脱羧酶...
acetoacetate thiokinase 乙酰乙酸硫激酶...
acetoacetic acid 乙酰乙酸;乙酰醋酸...
acetoacetic ester 乙酰醋酸酯;乙酰醋酸乙酯...
acetoacetyl 乙酰乙酰基;丁间酮酰基;3-氧丁酰基...
acetoacetyl aniline N-乙酰乙酰苯胺;N-乙酰乙酰基苯胺...
acetoacetyl coenzyme A 乙酰乙酰辅酶A...
acetoacetyl-CoA 乙酰乙酰辅酶A...
acetoacetyl-CoA deacylase 乙酰乙酰辅酶A脱酰酶...
acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase 乙酰乙酰辅酶A硫解酶...
acetoamidophenol 乙酰氨基苯酚...
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